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State seeks cyber aces

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 27 April 2014 | 23.40

A series of high-profile cyber attacks over the past year has prompted Gov. Deval Patrick to invite an elite group of techies to compete next weekend in a Cyber Aces State Championship aimed at putting the best among them into desperately needed cyber-security...
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With ethanol fuel, no gas line antifreeze needed

This past winter I added gas line antifreeze and water remover when I refueled my car. Is this really necessary since gasoline is 10 percent ethanol? No, adding a gas line antifreeze is not necessary when using ethanol-blended fuel. The ethanol —...
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More renounce US citizenship but deny stereotype

Inside the long-awaited package, six pages of government paperwork dryly affirmed Carol Tapanila's anxious request. But when Tapanila slipped the contents from the brown envelope, she saw there was something more. "We the people...." declared the script...
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Burger King bringing back 'Subservient Chicken'

NEW YORK — Burger King is bringing back one of its strangest advertising creations if you don't count its creepy King — the Subservient Chicken. The campaign, which was considered groundbreaking when it ran in 2004, featured a website where a giant...
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Discrimination potential seen in 'big data' use

WASHINGTON — A White House review of how the government and private sector use large sets of data has found that such information could be used to discriminate against Americans on issues such as housing and employment even as it makes their lives easier...
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West Point works to boost female cadet numbers

WEST POINT, N.Y. — Less than one in five cadets at West Point is a woman, and the academy's new superintendent wants to change that. With the Pentagon lifting restrictions for women in combat jobs, Lt. Gen. Robert Caslen Jr. has set a goal of boosting...
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Aereo’s court case chills startup cash

Aereo's landmark Internet broadcast Supreme Court case is casting a pall over venture funding for the cloud computing industry, experts are warning. "The mere existence of this will make it much harder to raise funding, because the risks have gone up,"...
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The Ticker

Patrick, Murray to speakat manufacturing event Gov. Deval Patrick and former Lt. Gov. Timothy Murray will be among the speakers at a summit being held on advanced manufacturing in Massachusetts. The event hosted by the Advanced Manufacturing Collaborative...
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Supreme Court takes on privacy in digital age

WASHINGTON — Two Supreme Court cases about police searches of cellphones without warrants present vastly different views of the ubiquitous device. Is it a critical tool for a criminal or is it an American's virtual home? How the justices answer that...
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Workplace Diversity Job Fair Monday, April 28, 2014

Workplace Diversity Job Fair Monday, April 28, 2014 10:00-4:00 Boston Marriott Copley Place 110 Huntington Ave., Boston Job seekers, don't miss this exciting opportunity The Boston Herald is hosting the 21st annual Workplace Diversity Job...
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