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Dreamworks Animation in talks to sell to Japan's Softbank

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 28 September 2014 | 23.40

DreamWorks Animation could soon have a new owner in Japan's SoftBank. Jeffrey Katzenberg is in talks to sell his toon studio to the conglomerate. The deal would value DWA at around $3.4 billion, according to The Hollywood Reporter, which first reported...
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Tech-friendly cities struggle with new biz rules

BOSTON — A renowned technology hub that is home to some of the country's top universities, Boston is emerging as an unlikely battleground for web-based businesses like Airbnb and Uber, with some saying more regulations are needed to prevent the upstarts...
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Emilio Alcalde, Krishna Mahon, A&E Olé Networks Brazil, on Brazil's pay TV market

A&E Olé Networks - a joint venture between AETN and Ole Communications - operates channels such as A&E, History and Bio across Latin America, playing an important role in circulation of US and domestic programming throughout the region. The...
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Bitcoin makes an itty-bitty splash in MA politics

With barely more than a month to go before Election Day, there has been one thing practically nonexistent this cycle: bitcoin. The virtual currency, which made waves when the Office of Campaign and Political Finance said in January it was A-OK for campaigns...
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APP helps EMTs alert hospitals

For emergency medical technicians, every bit of information can be the difference between life and death. A MassChallenge finalist called Twiage has developed a mobile app that can help. With just the touch of a button or voice-activated Google Glass,...
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Groceries from local producers

There's a new player in the grocery delivery game, and it's mixing the tech-savvy of Instacart, local sourcing of Whole Foods and low prices to attract Hub consumers. It's called Watershed Exchange and was launched this month. "The way we differentiate...
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Jeep’s brake rotors seem to be failing at warp speed

I have a 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee with 160,000 miles on it. The problem is with the brake rotors warping. Every time I've had the brakes worked on, they start to pulsate again after a few thousand miles. Last time the dealer installed new pads and rotors,...
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ESPN films is a triple winner at second La Costa Film Festival

ESPN Films was the big winner at the second La Costa Film Festival, with the jury picking "Brothers in Exile" as top feature documentary and "Tommy and Frank" (from the "30 for 30" series) as best short docu. "Brothers" was also given the audience award...
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Air France pilots end strike after 14 days

PARIS — Air France's leading pilots union on Sunday announced an end to a 14-day strike that grounded roughly half of the airline's flights, stranded passengers worldwide and led to stern shows of frustration by the French prime minister. After a late-night,...
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Why Japan's Softbank wants to buy Dreamworks Animation

With its former focus on software wholesaling and its makeover as a technology investment holding company, Japan's Softbank has rarely been sexy enough to make the front pages of the entertainment press. Now the company's mooted bid for DreamWorks Animation...
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